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Busan Port

Busan Port at a Glance

비주얼 백그라운드 이미지
Global Hub Port, BPA

Facilities by districts

Commercial · Business District

Commercial · Business District

Commerical · Business District is a highly accessible business area located on the center between Busan Station(KTX) and International Passenger and Cruise Terminal.
It has world-class shopping malls, finance centers and hotels, built to aim for concentration of functions in the district.

Commercial · Business District table
Area 46,005㎡
  • Complex commercial function : Shopping malls, recreational facilities
  • Business support function : International business, international conference halls, hotels
Building coverage rate/Floor area ratio 60% or less / 1000% or less
Height 200~280m
Multi-purpose Port District

Multi-purpose Port District

We link up the passenger terminal, a gateway of marine transportation that accounts for the most of the demand in Republic of Korea with Commercial · Business District in order to make Multi-purpose Port District a place of international exchange and create a synergy effect with commercial and business functions.

Multi-purpose Port District table
Area 161,559㎡
  • Passenger : International passenger?cruise Terminal
  • Public and Tour function : Roof square, convention center, duty-free shopping mall
Building coverage rate/Floor area ratio 60% or less / 200~600% or less
Height 40~60% or less
IT · Media · Exhibition District

IT · Media · Exhibition District

We create the district as a joyful place with visual/media contents. In addition, we establish various media lines such as broadcasting, plays, and animation movies in order to offer pleasure and maximize synergy effects.

IT · Media · Exhibition District table
Area 56,641㎡
  • Cultural exhibition function : Concert hall, exhibition hall, studio
  • Complex business function : IT shopping mall and business facitilies
Building coverage rate/Floor area ratio 60% or less / 600% or less
Height 80~140m
Maritime Cultural District(Landmark District)

Maritime Cultural District(Landmark District)

As the most symbolic district with concentrated office buildings, we introduce landmark function that revives the local economy in order to foster the district that attracts the most citizens of Busan and visitors.

Maritime Cultural District(Landmark District) table
Area 113,379㎡
  • Leisure function : Resorts, deluxe hotel, waterpark, aquarium, etc. (* Permitted except for non-permitted purposes Non-permitted purposes : Residence, factory, warehouse, dangerous goods facility, etc.)
Building coverage rate/Floor area ratio 40% or less / 600% or less
Height No Limit (Special Purpose District)
Maritime Cultural District

Maritime Cultural District

We plan for an open space with canals and large-scale waterside parks in the district in order to make a cultural district that represents the city by harmonizing the space with tourism, leisure sports, and culture & arts.

Maritime Cultural District table
Area 60,431㎡
  • Leisure function : Deluxe hotel, play space, condominium
  • Commercial function : Department store, shopping mall, office builidings
Building coverage rate/Floor area ratio 60% or less / 400~600% or less
Height 60~140m or less
Complex Urban District

Complex Urban District

We provide a new form of urban waterfront residential space by linking up the waterside area and marina facilities in order to prevent doughnut phenomenon.

Complex Urban District table
Area 27,032㎡
  • Leisure function : Resort hotel, Service residence hotel, condominium
  • Commercial·Sales function : Complex shopping mall, theme restaurant
  • Residential function : Apartment houses, multipurpose building
Building coverage rate/Floor area ratio 60% or less / 800% or less
Height 200m or less